A Club for YL Ham Radio Operators

Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington

(but all YLs are always welcome*)


How to do Net Control

When you start getting active on one of our Nets (Echolink on Thursday nights; HF on Friday morning), you might want to try being Net Control…or at least think about it. Here's the Preamble we use on our two nets:

Thursday Night Net Preamble

Friday Morning Net Preamble

Make an Elevation Map

When you want to talk to someone on your radio, do you know what might be in the way? This tutorial will tell you how to generate an elevation map to show what might be between you and your QSO.


CHIRP is a free tool for programming the channels on your amateur radio. It supports most brands and both mobile and handheld radios. It works on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10, the latest version of Mac OS X, and Linux.

Zero Beat - What does that mean?

In the MINOW preamble is the phrase “please zero beat this frequency”. I was asked what exactly that means. Well, I had the same question several years ago and asked my OM. However, I don’t remember his explanation, so I went to the internet.

UTC Time

Callsign Lookup

Thursday YL Drop-in Net

Drop in any time between 6pm - 8pm PST

ALARA Echolink
Conference node (286905)

Friday HF MinowNet

Friday 9:30am

Pacific Time

14.310 or 14.288 if 14.310 is busy

Web Mistress

CJ – info@minownet.org

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