About Us
Welcome to the MINOW NET. We are a group of ladies, who are active in amateur radio. When MINOW was organized in 1963 the membership included YLs from Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. Today we have members throughout the United States, although only those members that live in Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington have voting privileges.
Annual dues are $5 and are due on May 1st of each year. You may pay your dues in advance if you wish. Dues should be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer or can be paid at the annual meeting in May. The dues help support our website and other small projects.
Current activities include the weekly Echolink net on node 286905 (ALARA) on Thursday evening at 7:30 pm Pacific time, a weekly HF net on 14.310 or 14.288 or thereabouts on Friday morning at 9:30 am Pacific time, an Annual Meeting in May and a Luncheon in September.
We have a website where YLs can gain more information about us and about many HAM Radio topics.
We also publish a newsletter twice a year which is emailed to all of our members.
We staff information tables at various ham fairs in the MINOW NET area so look for us if you are at Sea-Pac or any other area shows.
Feel free to download our brochure for you or a friend or family member.
If the pdf won't print, click on the "brochure" photo.
Then click on the folder with the down arrow in the top right corner of the next screen.
Choose these print options: Landscape, Double-sided, Actual size.
Board Members 2020-2021
CJ     K7CJS
Vice President
Elizabeth     KK7VO
Marilyn     AF7MM
Certificate Custodian
Net Control
Margaret     AE7MB
Linda     KJ7WVO
CJ     K7CJS
It's only $5 a year after a $5 initiation fee to become a member, get our newsletter and help suport our website. Contact Margaret at AE7MB@arrl.net. You do not have to live in our five states to become a member but members of those states are the only voting members.
Membership Form
Charter Members