A Club for YL Ham Radio Operators

Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington

(but all YLs are always welcome*)

Contact Us

General Information

Contact CJ at cj@cjstevens.com

Membership & Dues

It's only $5 a year fee to become a member, get our newsletter and help suport our website. Contact Margaret at info@minownet.org. You do not have to live in our five states to become a member but members of those states are the only voting members.
Membership Form

Website Corrections & Suggestions

We are always looking to improve our website so welcome all comments, good and bad.
If you have any suggestions you would like to see, such as a tutorial on a subject or an article please send an email to webmistress@minownet.org.

If you would like to submit an article or tutorial please send it to our webmistress and she will get back to you.


Tent Biz Card

UTC Time

Callsign Lookup

Thursday YL Drop-in Net

Drop in any time between 6pm - 8pm PST

ALARA Echolink
Conference node (286905)

Friday HF MinowNet

Friday 9:30am

Pacific Time

14.310 or 14.288 if 14.310 is busy

Web Mistress

CJ – info@minownet.org

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